What do tariffs mean?
Retailers offer many electricity tariffs and this can be quite confusing.
There are 2 main tariff categories:
Tariffs for home electricity
Tariffs for hot water and pool pumps
1. Tariffs for home electricity
There are 3 main types of tariff for home general consumption or usage:
Retailers sometimes call these Flat tariffs: Anytime, Peak, Single, T11 or Domestic
Unit showed on your bill: c/kWh
It does not matter when energy is used.
Retailers sometimes call Time-of-Use tariff: TOU
Unit showed on your bill: c/kWh
Prices change during the day
Avoid high consumption at peak time
For now, retailers have consistently called this tariff demand tariff. This might change.
Unit showed on your bill: c/kW/day
Demand tariffs are combined with flat tariffs
Extra charges at certain time of the day
Avoid high consumption at peak time
2. Tariffs for hot water and pool pumps
Tariffs that apply to hot water and pool pumps are called controlled load. There are 2 controlled load tariffs.
Controlled Load 1
Retailers sometimes call these tariffs: CL1, Tariff 31, Super economy, Night
Unit showed on your bill: c/kWh,
Electricity in only on between 10PM and 7AM
Controlled Load 2
Retailers sometimes call these tariffs: CL2, Tariff 33, Economy
Unit showed on your bill: c/kWh
Electricity is always off from 4 to 9PM