What do tariffs mean?

Retailers offer many electricity tariffs and this can be quite confusing.

There are 2 main tariff categories:

  1. Tariffs for home electricity

  2. Tariffs for hot water and pool pumps

1. Tariffs for home electricity

There are 3 main types of tariff for home general consumption or usage:

  • Flat

  • Time-of-Use

  • Demand


Retailers sometimes call these Flat tariffs: Anytime, Peak, Single, T11 or Domestic

  • Unit showed on your bill: c/kWh

  • It does not matter when energy is used.


Retailers sometimes call Time-of-Use tariff: TOU

  • Unit showed on your bill: c/kWh

  • Prices change during the day

  • Avoid high consumption at peak time


For now, retailers have consistently called this tariff demand tariff. This might change.

  • Unit showed on your bill: c/kW/day

  • Demand tariffs are combined with flat tariffs

  • Extra charges at certain time of the day

  • Avoid high consumption at peak time

2. Tariffs for hot water and pool pumps

Tariffs that apply to hot water and pool pumps are called controlled load. There are 2 controlled load tariffs.

Controlled Load 1

Retailers sometimes call these tariffs: CL1, Tariff 31, Super economy, Night

  • Unit showed on your bill: c/kWh,

  • Electricity in only on between 10PM and 7AM

Controlled Load 2

Retailers sometimes call these tariffs: CL2, Tariff 33, Economy

  • Unit showed on your bill: c/kWh

  • Electricity is always off from 4 to 9PM