Reach for the stars when buying an appliance

The more stars, the more savings every year

Whether you are looking to replace an ageing appliance, adapting to new needs or moving into a new place, look for energy and water star ratings. Most appliances can have up to 6 stars, and air conditioning units can have up to 10 stars. The more stars, the more energy and water efficient, the more you save every year on running cost.

Appliances with energy star ratings are: air conditioning, dishwashers, washing machines, clothe dryers, fridges/freezers, and TVs.

Appliances running cost savings per year

Taking the example of the fridge, a new energy efficient appliance could mean up to $115 in saving per year. Energy efficient appliances cost more to buy, but would result in savings in the long run.

Star rating tips

For air conditioning, the star rating depends on your climate zone

To find out more about energy star rating, visit:

Check for the water stars too. The more stars, the more savings.